New restrictions on NYC dog owners has some worried
New restrictions on the size and type of dogs allowed in New York City Housing Authority buildings has pet owners and the ASPCA worried that more dogs may end up in shelters.
A tougher city Housing Authority pet policy is causing confusion among dog owners and concern among rescuers who fear more homeless animals will linger in shelters.
“There’s been a lot of misinformation out there,” said Debora Bresch, a lawyer in the ASPCA’s government relations department.
As of May 1, tenants who live in New York City Housing Authority buildings are barred from owning pit bulls, Rottweilers and Doberman pinschers. In addition, the new policy bans any dog that weighs more than 25 pounds.
NYCHA residents who already have dogs can keep them – as long as they weigh under 40 pounds, which was the previous weight limit.
In addition, all current owners now have to register their dogs with NYCHA management.
Confused? So are the dozens of people who have called the ASPCA for advice in recent weeks, unsure about whether they can keep their beloved dogs.”