Hot weather can be deadly for your pets

It’s important to keep your pets’ health in mind during the hot summer months. When we get hot, we can get some water, go indoors, or crank the air conditioning a little cooler. Our dogs and cats aren’t able to do those things for themselves, so it’s up to us to be sure they don’t overheat.
With the dog days of summer before us, pet owners should beware of the dangers of heatstroke in pets.
Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that results when pets cannot adequately rid themselves of excess body heat. Pets rely on panting to cool down. Although panting is a very efficient way to control body heat, it is severely limited in areas with high humidity or low ventilation. The intake of cool, fresh water improves the cooling effects of panting.
Dogs with pug noses are more likely to develop heatstroke because their small nasal passages make it difficult to circulate sufficient air for cooling. Overweight dogs, whose extra layers of fat act as insulation, are also prone to overheating. Age can also be a factor in an animal’s tendency to overheat. Very young pets and elderly pets are likely to develop heatstroke.
Read more about keeping your pets healthy in the summer heat from the Sonoran News.
For information on the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars, or in other potentially situations, see