Broadway Barks raises money for rescue dogs

Actress Bernadette Peters, along with Mary Tyler Moore, founded the annual Broadway Barks, which raises money for NYC rescue dogs.
Some people are born with a compassionate heart. Others are born with unimaginable talent. When Bernadette Peters came into the world, she had both.
Through her amazing voice, acting abilities and writing skills Ms. Peters has enriched the lives of millions of people around the globe. But it is her work on behalf of companion animals that provides a window into how selfless a person she is.
Tapping into her vast resources on Broadway, Ms. Peters along with Mary Tyler Moore, founded Broadway Barks, an annual star-studded event that benefits countless animal rescue organizations in New York City.
Not only does Broadway Barks raise thousands of dollars, it also features an on-site Adopt-A-Thon where homeless dogs and cats are placed into new homes.